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Nov 16, 2006

Witchcraft Money Spell

Witchcraft Money Spell

Here's a wonderful spell for you to do to attract financial abudance into your life:

Working With Witchcraft When Searching for Success

You may be looking for your first real job, trying to get a big promotion after a number of years, or starting up your own business, and you are looking for success. A spell to be successful, like the one below can help you believe in yourself and attract opportunity.

To Bring Success Spell

Tools and ingredients

Two green candles
A bowl full of fresh leaves from four of the following plants: Marigold, Celery, Mint, Grass, Nasturtium, Parsley, Cress, and Comfrey.
Silver ribbon

Step 1. After collecting the tools and ingredients, prepare the space around the bathtub according to your own ritual, or by lightly sprinkling salt in a circle around it while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ Only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.

Step 2. Light the candles and fill the bathtub.

Step 3. As the tub is filling, concentrate on that thing which is your goal. Visualize the steps necessary to achieve it.

Step 4. When the bath is ready, sprinkle the leaves throughout the tub.

Step 5. Get into the bath and inhale the steam as you speak the following words seven times: Blessed One within and without/ As green and strong these gentle herbs are/ let them draw to me favor and fortune/ In your wisdom show me/ how to achieve that which I desire.

Note. If you have a specific goal in mind, it is appropriate to add that to the end of this incantation. Whether you know your goal or if it is more general, it is very important to visualize the success you desire.

Step 6. Remain in the bath as long as you like, meditating on your desired goal. When you are finished, collect the wet leaves into the piece of cheesecloth and gather up the sides to make a bag. Tie it with the silver ribbon and hang it to dry.

Step 7. At night, when you sleep, place the bag under your pillow. As you sleep, repeat the incantation and visualize your success.

I wish you every success with it!

witchcraft money spell

Nov 15, 2006

Sweet Dreaming With Witchcraft

Here's a groovy little sleep remedy that is just too divine.

It is an example of the kind of delights you can expect to find in
the 150 spell book that comes with the Underground Witchcraft
Secrets Course.

**Basic Botanicals for a Sweet Sleep**

Calendula Blossoms
Chamomile blossoms
Linden Blossoms
Poppies & Poppy Seeds

Place any one, or a combination of these herbs in a DREAM PILLOW to
rest your head on (I prefer a combination).


In place in a closed MAGICK BOX and keep it by your bedside. Then
when you can't sleep - open the box and inhale deeply several times.

If that doesn't send you into a happy slumber.....


Nov 14, 2006

A Cleansing Spell

I thought you might enjoy this...this is a tried, tested and true
Witchcraft ritual around Cleansing.

Magickal Cleansing spells have very little to do with actual
cleanliness - as we traditionally define it.

A Cleansing spell at it's most basic removes psychic and spiritual

A certain level of this debris accumulates constantly. As you
become more pyshically aware, you may become more conscious to this
and feel a greater desire to have regular cleansing rituals.

Cleasing spells remove low-level spiritual entities that knowingly
or unknowingly obstruct or weaken your own psychic work. Lessening
your chances of success.

In addition cleansings welcome and make room for more helpful,
benevolent spirits.

With cleansing spells you may choose to cleanse areas, people,
ritual tools or other objects.

This sort of magick is extremely personal magick and the results
are apparent immediately. As in you FEEL cleansed.

There are many different cleansing spells/rituals you can
undertake, some with candles, brooms, bells and much more.

I would like to share with you a very simple and abudantly powerful
cleansing spell using the...

A Smudge Stick is a small wand made from dried botanicals.

Smudging is the process of using directed smoke to cleanse an area,
person or object.

Smudge sticks are readily available from New Age stores or you can
make your own...

1) Dry bunches of herbs

2) When they have completely dried, bind them together with thin
cotton thread

3) When needed, the stick is lit and the smoke is directed towards
and over whatever needs cleansings

4) You may use your bare hands to direct the smoke


Smudge sticks are neat, compact and easily controlled, descreet and

Smudge sticks tend to smolder long after the flames appear to have
died out.

Do not leave the stick unattended or out in the open. Rest it
fully on a metal tray or dinner plate when finished using it - and
do not let it come into direct contact with anything flamable.

Have water nearby as a back-up.

What herbs to use

i) White sage or common garden sage

ii) Rosemary

iii) Juniper

iv) Sandalwood

v) Thyme

Protecting Your While Working With Witchcraft

Here's another little spell I wanted to share with you when working with magick and spell casting:

Protecting Yourself While Working With Witchcraft Magick

There are other things that you will need to do in order to keep yourself safe. All spell work should begin with some ritual to cleanse and protect the space you are working in. Some call this “Casting the Circle.” There are an endless number of variations on ways to prepare your space. Some are more complicated than other. The important thing is to find a ritual that works well for you personally. Below are two options, the first being more simple.

To Prepare and Cleanse a Sacred Space Spell I

Tools and Ingredients

Alter or Sacred Space

Step 1. Lightly sprinkle salt in a circle around yourself while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ Only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.

To Prepare and Cleanse a Sacred Space Spell II

Tools and Ingredients

Alter or Sacred Space
Ceremonial knife
One white candle
One red candle
One blue candle
One black candle

Step 1. Imagine your space as a circle and set the candles around it. Place the white candle at a point facing East, the red candle at point facing South, the blue candle at a point facing West and the black candle at a point facing North. If you are using an alter, it is best to position it in the Northern corner.

Step 2. Carrying the knife, go to the Eastern corner and light the candle. Rise and remain facing East. You will now trace a pentagram (five-pointed star) in the air using the knife. Begin at the top of the pentagram and go down to the left, continuing until you return to the top. As you trace the pentagram, speak the following words: I invoke the East and Power of Air/ I call on the Breath of the Goddess/ Protect and guide me.

Step 3. Carrying the knife, go to the Southern corner and light the candle. Rise and remain facing South. You will now trace a pentagram in the air using the knife. Begin at the top of the pentagram and go down to the left, continuing until you return to the top. As you trace the pentagram, speak the following words: I invoke the South and Power of Fire/ I call on the Flame of Her spirit/ Protect and guide me.

Step 4. Carrying the knife, go to the Western corner and light the candle. Rise and remain facing West. You will now trace a pentagram in the air using the knife. Begin at the top of the pentagram and go down to the left, continuing until you return to the top. As you trace the pentagram, speak the following words: I invoke the West and Power of Water/ I call on the Water of Her womb/ Protect and guide me.

Step 5. Carrying the knife, go to the Northern corner and light the candle. Rise and remain facing North. You will now trace a pentagram in the air using the knife. Begin at the top of the pentagram and go down to the left, continuing until you return to the top. As you trace the pentagram, speak the following words: I invoke the North and Power of Earth/ I call on the Earth that is Her body/ Protect and guide me.

Step 6. Complete the ritual by stating, The circle is cast and consecrated/ in the name of the Goddess within and without


"Attract A New Love" Spell

I thought you might enjoy this witchcraft spell :-)

Sometimes, even when you are ready for a new relationship, things seem to need a little push.

Simple chance can play such an important part in helping a potential love come across your path. Using a spell to invite those with certain qualities into your life can be an effective way to attract new love, or try to attract the love of someone already in your life. The spell below does more than that by also putting energy into allowing others to see you for the attractive, unique and loving person you are.

To Attract a New Love Spell

Tools and ingredients

Alter or Sacred Space
5-6 inch circle of red fabric
Blue ribbon
Red candle
Dried lavender
Small piece of rose quartz
Small piece of copper (a coin, ring or piece of wire is acceptable)
Ylang Ylang oil
Orange oil
A plate

Step 1. After collecting the tools and ingredients, prepare your space according to your own ritual, or by lightly sprinkling salt in a circle around yourself while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.

Step 2. Light the red candle and think for a moment about the type of person you want to attract into your life. Select three qualities that you want them to have, for example honesty, strength and sensuality. If you already know who you are trying to attract, think of their name and visualize them. Then consider the best aspects of yourself and try to think of the three things you most want others to see in you, for example, intelligence, enthusiasm and grace.

Step 3. Place the plate on the alter and set the red fabric circle on it. Take a pinch of the dried lavender and hold it in your clasped hands. Inhale the aroma of the lavender while speaking these words: My heart is open and ready for love/ may the Goddess bless my new journey.

Step 4. Rubbing your hands together, allow the lavender to sprinkle onto the red fabric circle.

Step 5. Place a few drops of the Ylang Ylang oil onto your hands and then begin to rub the oil into the piece of rose quartz while speaking the following words at least three times (insert the qualities of type of person you wish to have in your life): Bright One inside and around me/ let one with ______, ______, and ______ come into my life!

Alternative. If you already know the person whose love you are trying to attract, use this incantation instead: Bright One inside and around me/ if it will be for the good of all/ Let ______ and I see each other with open hearts and open minds/ that love may begin anew.

Step 6. Place the piece of rose quartz onto the red fabric.

Step 7. Place a few drops of the orange oil onto your hands and rub the oil into the piece of copper while speaking the following words at least three times (insert the three things you most want others to see in you): You, who are all things beautiful and true/ let me feel you inside of me/ always remembering the _______, _______, and _______ that exist in me.

Step 8. Place the piece of copper onto the red fabric.

Step 9. Take the red candle and hold it above the fabric, allow one drop of wax to fall on the items gathered below for each of the following sentences: In your name, Goddess, I am ready for love/ Let those with _______,________, and _______ come into my life/ Let all see the ______, _______, and _______ inside of me/ By my will, so mote it be!

Alternative. If you already know the person whose love you are trying to attract, use this incantation instead:

In your name, Goddess, I am ready for love/ Let ______ and I see each other with open hearts and open minds / Let him see the ______, _______, and _______ inside of me/ By my will, so mote it be!

Step 10. Gather up the circle to form a pouch. Use the blue ribbon to close it tightly with seven knots. Keep the pouch with you, tied around your neck or waist, until your spell has accomplished its goal.


Nov 13, 2006

A Happy Home Spell

I am a great believer in your home being your foundation to your
own wellbeing.

In today's modern world we have so much going on in our lives -
with our jobs, our relationships, our family, our health, our
finances, OUR SELVES!

That sometimes you might be feeling like a juggler that truly could
do with about 3 more pairs of hands!

When all else is not peaceful on the home front it can be extremely
hard to concentrate on anything else.

Sometimes more than anything, you need to have a peaceful home and
a family (or flatmates) that don't argue.

This is where magick and witchcraft can help:

Now the ideal is to perform a HAPPY HOME spell before you move into
a new place - believing that it is easier to prevent trouble than
fix it.

AND you can still get powerful results from a spell cast when you
might be right in the midst of strife.

In fact a favorite spell of mine is the:

Basil Happiness Spell

I especially like this one because it has the added benefit of
attracting financial abundance as well - you see basil is the herb
of positive abundance.

First up:

1) Buy a new broom yourself (and discard any old ones) and use this
new broom to sweep the floors of any old negative energy hanging
around (this broom MUST be new - to bring in positive new

2) Grow Basil in your garden, around the house


3) Place pots of fresh basil by your front entrance and around the
perimeter of your home


4) If it's not possible to grow basil - then place fresh basil in a
vase in a prominent spot in your kitchen, replacing it weekly or as
soon as it starts to spoil.

This Basil will draw into your house joy, harmony, tranquility,
cooperation and peace.

And also be aware that YOU TOO must have the right and matching
energy and focus of a desire to have a happy, harmonious home - do
not project the responsibility onto others.

Remember LIKE attracts LIKE.

So cast this spell and YOU also be what you are asking for :-)



The Power of Crystals In Witchcraft

Hi there

How much do you know about the powers of quartz crystals in relation
to witchcraft?

These are one of the most universal and powerful crystals.

And I am referring to CLEAR quartz crystals (pink ones are
wonderful for LOVE).

Clear quartz crystals empower whatever they are kept in contact with.

Therefore if you are the proud owner of a set of Tarot Cards, Runes
or any other divination methods, as well as having a special cloth
to wrap them with - store a clear quartz crystal within that bundle.


You can attach a clear quartz crystal to your wand to enhance it's
power and effectiveness.


Wear quartz crystal around your neck or sleep with it under your
pillow to enhance, access and increase your own personal power.


If you do feel the need to have extra loving energy with that - you
can also use a pink quartz crystal - which opens up the energy of
love within yourself and as I say often - LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE - it
supports you bringing more loving situations into your life.

If you have no other crystal in your possession, I do encourage you
to go to your nearest New Age store (off or online) and choose one
(or more...).

Remember to cleanse them before you go to use them.



Welcome To The Underground Witchcraft Secrets Blog

Welcome to the official Underground Witchcraft Secrets Blog. Here you will learn about practicing White Witchcraft, including Spell Casting, Wicca and Magick in general.

You will grow to learn that the foundation of Witchcraft is around conscious creation - which I will go into more depth about in upcoming posts.

