I thought you might enjoy this witchcraft spell :-)
Sometimes, even when you are ready for a new relationship, things seem to need a little push.
Simple chance can play such an important part in helping a potential love come across your path. Using a spell to invite those with certain qualities into your life can be an effective way to attract new love, or try to attract the love of someone already in your life. The spell below does more than that by also putting energy into allowing others to see you for the attractive, unique and loving person you are.
To Attract a New Love Spell Tools and ingredientsAlter or Sacred Space
5-6 inch circle of red fabric
Blue ribbon
Red candle
Dried lavender
Small piece of rose quartz
Small piece of copper (a coin, ring or piece of wire is acceptable)
Ylang Ylang oil
Orange oil
A plate
Step 1. After collecting the tools and ingredients, prepare your space according to your own ritual, or by lightly sprinkling salt in a circle around yourself while speaking the following words: I consecrate this place/ for the Goddess within and without/ only love and good can remain/ hate and evil are cast out.
Step 2. Light the red candle and think for a moment about the type of person you want to attract into your life. Select three qualities that you want them to have, for example honesty, strength and sensuality. If you already know who you are trying to attract, think of their name and visualize them. Then consider the best aspects of yourself and try to think of the three things you most want others to see in you, for example, intelligence, enthusiasm and grace.
Step 3. Place the plate on the alter and set the red fabric circle on it. Take a pinch of the dried lavender and hold it in your clasped hands. Inhale the aroma of the lavender while speaking these words: My heart is open and ready for love/ may the Goddess bless my new journey.
Step 4. Rubbing your hands together, allow the lavender to sprinkle onto the red fabric circle.
Step 5. Place a few drops of the Ylang Ylang oil onto your hands and then begin to rub the oil into the piece of rose quartz while speaking the following words at least three times (insert the qualities of type of person you wish to have in your life): Bright One inside and around me/ let one with ______, ______, and ______ come into my life!
Alternative. If you already know the person whose love you are trying to attract, use this incantation instead: Bright One inside and around me/ if it will be for the good of all/ Let ______ and I see each other with open hearts and open minds/ that love may begin anew.
Step 6. Place the piece of rose quartz onto the red fabric.
Step 7. Place a few drops of the orange oil onto your hands and rub the oil into the piece of copper while speaking the following words at least three times (insert the three things you most want others to see in you): You, who are all things beautiful and true/ let me feel you inside of me/ always remembering the _______, _______, and _______ that exist in me.
Step 8. Place the piece of copper onto the red fabric.
Step 9. Take the red candle and hold it above the fabric, allow one drop of wax to fall on the items gathered below for each of the following sentences: In your name, Goddess, I am ready for love/ Let those with _______,________, and _______ come into my life/ Let all see the ______, _______, and _______ inside of me/ By my will, so mote it be!
Alternative. If you already know the person whose love you are trying to attract, use this incantation instead:
In your name, Goddess, I am ready for love/ Let ______ and I see each other with open hearts and open minds / Let him see the ______, _______, and _______ inside of me/ By my will, so mote it be!
Step 10. Gather up the circle to form a pouch. Use the blue ribbon to close it tightly with seven knots. Keep the pouch with you, tied around your neck or waist, until your spell has accomplished its goal.