My Spell Didn't Work - So Witchcraft Doesn't Work!
"Witchcraft doesn't work - so my spell didn't work!"
I sometimes receive emails from people saying exactly that to me. They cast a spell yesterday, last week, a couple of weeks ago and it didn't produce the results they desired.
A couple of things I say consistently in response to that are:
The foundation of witchcraft is based on belief – believing that something you desire can and will happen. Like attracts like.
So the key is for you to be in that position of believing that you have the power to create what you desire, and the spell is your vehicle to do this. Otherwise, no amount of spell casting or magick making will work.
The power comes from the witch themselves – and everyone has that power.
When you decide you have that, then you will see spells working for you very quickly.
So that is how you begin, then when you have cast your spell...
If you are waiting (think fingers drumming on the table top, or waiting expectantly for it to materialize) for the spell to happen - your energy and focus is actually on that it 'might not happen' - whereas the key to casting a spell is to know with absolutely certainty it will happen for you and then you let it go. Waiting is not a factor as you know it is going to happen.
You do not cast a spell and then expect it to happen overnight or within a week - as again that is telling that your energy is on fear, anxiety and that it may not happen.
YOU are the key to the spell working - and it is about you having that certainty of what you want to have happen will - you can feel it as if it is your reality now.
I can promise you that when you fully, truly and deeply believe that what you want to have happen will - to the point that you can see, feel, touch and taste it - it will eventuate.
Because...LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE - the energy you put out will come back to you in like. If you focus on hoping, worrying or wondering if it will happen - you will stay in that state - it wont eventuate. When you trust, know and accept it as a certainty - so it becomes.
Discover Your Personal Power Through Witchcraft
"Witchcraft doesn't work - so my spell didn't work!"