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Nov 19, 2006

Is Witchcraft Evil?

Hi there,

I want to spend some time answering some questions I typically get asked about Witchcraft.

The first one is: "Is witchcraft evil?"

Short answer is no it's not! :-)

Witchcraft - true witchcraft comes from an open hearted, loving space. And it is about working as one with the universal energies and nature to consciously create.

A witch can divine for her/himself - there is absolutely nothing wrong with consciously creating positive things for yourself.

The key is that you do not knowingly spell cast at the expense of another.

Nor must you EVER divine against another's free will. This is especially important when casting love spells. You can indeed put out a person's name - and let it go, also stating that you ask the universal energies to bring you what is for your highest good.

So witchcraft in many many ways - is the root of all personal development today!

It is about consciously creating.

A witch's power comes from his/her ability to be able to see, feel, taste, touch what it is they want as if they have it now. They have absolutely certainty and belief and are focusing on what they do want versus what they don't.

Witches also should never cast a spell involving another person without that person's express request or approval to do so.

I personally am a fan for people casting their own spells for themselves - as I believe we have the greatest power to attract what it is we want - as like attracts like.

Where the power of a group spell can be useful is if a friend or coven members asks you to support them with a particular spell - it might be for improved health, or strength in the face of a difficult personal situation.

There are many more things I want to write about.

I will leave those for another time :-)

