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Feb 13, 2007

Witches Also Celebrate Valentines Day!

I know that for many Valentines Day is more deserved of being called Hallmark Day

The thing though with a day like today - is that it reminds us of something that is worthwhile doing 24/7 for every day of the year...

And that is to LOVE one another.

This is not confined to romantic love alone - this is about opening your heart and giving of yourself and your positive regard to others.

As opposed to waiting, hoping or demanding you get it first.

You see this is also what makes Witches so powerful.

A true witch who practices the craft draws on his/her power by going into their heart.

It is about consciously creating with an open heart space.

When we are in a state of love, joy, peace, calm, fulfilment we are able to manifest more powerfully what it is we desire.

Now you might read that and think - "that's impossible, how can I do that, when I want this so so much?!"

And that is what it is ALL about. That you can see, touch, taste and feel what you want to have as if you have it now - so you feel those joyous, happy, loving feels as you would when your heart's desire comes to you.

As remember the universal principal is that LIKE attracts LIKE.

So whether it be today - Febraury 14th or any other day - I encourage you to open your heart - as when you will be opening your power to consciously create magick in your life!

Happy Valentines Day to Witches and those still yet to become...
