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Jul 6, 2007

On The Subject Of Free Witch Spells

Everyone loves Free Witch Spells - and if you click on that link you can go grab some :-)

The thing to know with any spell - free or paid - is to approach it with the right intention. If you focus on abundance when you spell cast - you'll receive abundance back.

As like attracts like - and so it is important when casting any spell to have an open, loving, abundant heart and certainty that what you want to have happen will.

Now this can be challenging when your 'reality' seems to be the opposite - however this is the principal upon which magick works upon.

To create a new reality you have to live it beforehand with your feelings - you have to be prepared ot let go your emotions about your current situation and feel the feelings you would have if you had what your heart desires.

So again go here and grab these: Free Witch Spells - and enjoy :-)

Jul 5, 2007

How To Get Your Free Easy Love Spell To Work

If you go to this site: free easy love spells - you will be able to claim your own love spell for no cost. The thing though that you also need to be aware of with love spells - or with any spells for that matter - is that you must never divine against another's free will.

So you might be looking for a love spell because you are desperate for a love to return to you - or you have an unrequited love and you want that to change.

This is where it gets tricky - because yes you can indeed cast a spell asking for love to come to you. And you can specify the qualities - and you might have someone in mind - that's OK - to have someone in mind.

As long as you do not then name them - and specify it can only be them.

Then you are defying the respect of another's free will and automatically invoke The Rule Of Three.

The best thing when cast a love spell - whether it be a free easy love spell, or a wiccan love spell - or any kind of love spell. Is to be clear on the qualities you want to attract and cast for that. Leave ALL names out of it.

