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Jan 18, 2007

Don't Worry So Much About Spell Casting!!!

Don't Worry So Much About Spell Casting in Witchcraft!!!

I remember the first time I cast a spell -- at least I remember worrying about the first spell that I cast!

The particular spell I chose had to be done at night in the light of a full moon. I remember that I had to either raise a chalice of a potion that I mixed together up to the moon for 15 minutes, or leave the open chalice beneath the moon's light for the night, retrieving it before daylight.

I chose the latter, as my neighborhood was rather congested, and I didn't want to attract attention. I followed the directions, feeling the power of the moon in the night and blessing the Goddesses for their gifts.

The next day before dawn, I retrieve the chalice and buried it per instructions for thirty days.

During those thirty days, I worried that I hadn't gotten the measurements correct for the potion, didn't have the chalice in exactly the right location to receive the moon's direct beams for the longest period of time, and on and on and on. I did exactly what I shouldn't do when spell casting -- I doubted myself.

My spell was cast with an open heart. That belief was all I should have been concerned about. The universe understands intention and meaning, and after a spell is cast, it is time to leave the rest to the universe.

The spells that I cast after that first spell were done have been more successful because I have cast them, then let them go, knowing that they will be fulfilled to the good of the recipient.

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Arabella Jolie

Don't Worry So Much About Spell Casting in Witchcraft!!!